JVSG Grantee Resources
AJC Intake Process
You may access the following items by clicking on the titles that follow: DVOP Eligibility Flowchart (English) DVOP Eligibility Flowchart (Spanish); and a SAMPLE DVOP Eligibility Screening Tool: PDF file (English) PDF file (Spanish) or editable Word document.
Microlearning Coming Soon!
So, You’re Being Audited: JVSG Program Audits
In this video, So, You’re Being Audited: JVSG Program Audits, NVTI’s Dan Griffiths presents how to navigate Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) Roles and Responsibilities Audits. Viewers will learn about and understand the triennial, or three-year, audit cycle for the JVSG program, its framework, and various supporting elements. Background information will include the relevant legal guidance applicable for this effort. The video also examines the four phases of the audit process, as well as the tool developed by DOL VETS to be used during the implementation of oversight responsibilities. Finally, viewers will gain an understanding of Areas of Concern and Findings that will need to be addressed by State Workforce Agencies, or SWAs.
The Grant Closeout Process for Recipients
In this webinar, Tamara Holland, Grant Management Specialist at the Department of Labor Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (DOL VETS), explained how Grant Solutions and Health and Human Services Payment Management System (HHS/PMS) affect closeout. She also discussed the closeout process and timelines, the contents of the closeout package, common issues for delay in closeout process, and post-closeout responsibilities. Ms. Holland also covered the responsibilities of VETS, grant recipients, and subrecipients. You may also download a pdf copy of the slide deck.
JVSG Listening Session: KPMG’s 2024 Tips for Avoiding Audit Findings
JVSG Listening Session with KPMG (DOL/VETS Partners): Since 2021, VETS has contracted with KPMG to audit grant recipients for expenditures charged to the grant. In this session, KPMG provides annual training to JVSG recipients to discuss the most common findings and offer ways that states can enhance their policies and procedures to align with the Uniform Guidance, GAO Standards, applicable law, and the terms and conditions of the grant. This video was not created by NVTI. It is hosted with permission from DOL VETS. Questions regarding the content should be directed to [email protected].
JVSG Promising Practices Listening Session
In this webinar, five states presented the lessons learned and promising practices that contributed to their improved performance in Program Year 2020. The event included a facilitated discussion where states asked questions and got answers from their colleagues across the nation.