American Job Center (AJC)Workforce Investment Act of 1998, P.L. 105-220 Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act of 2014, P.L. 113-128
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Also known as One-Stop Centers, AJCs are designed to provide a full range of assistance to job seekers under one roof. Established under the Workforce Investment Act, and reauthorized in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act of 2014, the centers offer training referrals, career counseling, job listings, and similar employment-related services. Customers can visit a center in person or connect to the center’s information online or through kiosk remote access.
The American Job Center System is coordinated by the Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA).
Consistent ContactVPL 05-24 Section VI (B) (3)  
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Consistent contact. DVOP specialists must maintain regular, consistent contact with the participant, including meetings and updates, both pre- and post-employment. Contact with a participant should be meaningful to continually assist the participant in overcoming employment barriers to find and maintain employment. Consistent contact is based on the participant’s individual needs and situation, as per the written plan and case notes. This also includes any documented attempts at contact, but it does not include mass or group communications such as an email newsletter. 
Covered Person38 U.S.C. Chapter 42, Section 4215 (a) 
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Covered Person The final group of individuals who have special eligibility status in DOL are covered persons. According to 38 U.S.C. § 4215, the term “covered person” means any of the following:  
(A) A veteran 

(B)  The spouse of any of the following individuals: 
– Any veteran who died of a service-connected disability. 
– Any member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty who, at the time of application for assistance under this section, is listed, pursuant to section 556 of title 37 and regulations issued thereunder, by the Secretary concerned in one or more of the following categories and has been so listed for a total of more than 90 days: 
— missing in action 
— captured in line of duty by a hostile force, or 
— forcibly detained or interned in line of duty by a foreign government or power. 

(C) Any veteran who has a total disability resulting from a service-connected disability 

(D) Any veteran who died while a disability so evaluated was in existence 
Covered Veteran38 USC, Chapter 42, Section 4212
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A covered veteran is any of the following: 
– Disabled veterans 
– Veterans who served on active duty in the Armed Forces during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized 
– Veterans who, while serving on active duty in the Armed Forces, participated in a United States military operation for which an Armed Forces service medal was awarded pursuant to Executive Order No. 12985 
– Recently separated veterans 
Disabled Veteran38 USC, Chapter 42, Section 4211
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A disabled veteran is: 
(A) a veteran who is entitled to compensation (or who but for the receipt of military retired pay would be entitled to compensation) under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs; or  

(B) a person who was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability. 
Eligible PersonTitle 38, Chapter 41, Section 4101
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An eligible person is defined in the context of accessing career services provided by Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) staff, including individualized career services and includes: 
(A) the spouse of any person who died of a service-connected disability; 
(B) the spouse of any member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty who, at the time of application for assistance under this chapter, is listed, pursuant to section 556 of title 37 and regulations issued thereunder, by the Secretary concerned in one or more of the following categories and has been so listed for a total of more than ninety days: 
– missing in action 
– captured in the line of duty by a hostile force, or 
– forcibly detained or interned in line of duty by a foreign government or power; or 
(C) the spouse of any person who has a total disability permanent in nature resulting from a service-connected disability, or the spouse of a veteran who died while a disability so evaluated was in existence. 
Eligible Spouse (for Priority of Service)Title 20 of the CFR, Section 1010.110 
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An eligible spouse is defined in the context of receiving Priority of Service in qualified job training programs funded by the Department of Labor (DOL) and has the same definition as an eligible person: 
(A) The spouse of any person who died of a service-connected disability; 
(B) The spouse of any member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty for more than ninety days and is: 
– missing in action 
– captured in the line of duty by a hostile force, or 
– forcibly detained or interned in line of duty by a foreign government or power; or 
(C) The spouse of any person who has a total disability permanent in nature resulting from a service-connected disability, or the spouse of a veteran who died while a disability so evaluated was in existence 
Eligible Veteran38 USC, Chapter 42, Section 4211
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An eligible veteran is a person who meets one of the following criteria: 
– Served on active duty for a period of more than 180 days and was discharged or released there from with other than a dishonorable discharge; or 
– Was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability; or 
– As a member of a reserve component under an order to active duty pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 12301(a), (d), or (g); 12302; or 12304—who served on active duty during a period of war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge is authorized and was discharged or released from such duty with other than a dishonorable discharge; or 
– Was discharged or released from active duty by reason of a sole survivorship discharge 
Priority of ServiceTitle 38, Chapter 42, Section 4215 (C)(3)
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The term “priority of service” means, with respect to any qualified job training program, that a covered person shall be given priority over nonveterans for the receipt of employment, training, and placement services provided under that program, notwithstanding any other provision of law. Such priority includes giving access to such services to a covered person before a non-covered person, or if resources are limited, giving access to such services to a covered person instead of a non-covered person. 
Qualified Job Training Program38 USC, Chapter 42, Section 4215 (2)
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Any workforce preparation, development, or delivery program or service that is directly funded, in whole or in part, by the Department of Labor and includes the following: 
(A) Any such program or service that uses technology to assist individuals to access workforce development programs (such as job and training opportunities, labor market information, career assessment tools, and related support services). 
(B) Any such program or service under the public employment service system, one-stop career centers, the Workforce Investment Act of 1998,1 a demonstration or other temporary program, and those programs implemented by States or local service providers based on Federal block grants administered by the Department of Labor. 
(C) Any such program or service that is a workforce development program targeted to specific groups. 
Recently Separated Veteran38 USC, Chapter 42, Section 4211
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Any veteran during the three-year period beginning on the date of such veteran’s discharge or release from active duty.
Special Disabled Veteran38 USC, Chapter 42, Section 4211
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A special disabled veteran is: 
(A) a veteran who is entitled to compensation (or who but for the receipt of military retired pay would be entitled to compensation) under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and is; 
– rated at 30 percent or more, or 
– rated at 10 or 20 percent in the case of a veteran who has been determined to have a serious employment handicap; or 

(B) a person who was discharged or released from active duty because of service-connected disability. 
Veteran (for Priority of Service)Title 20 of the CFR, Section 1010.110
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In order to be eligible for priority of service, a veteran must have served at least one day in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable, as specified in USC Title 38, Section 101.
Veteran of the Vietnam Era38 USC, Chapter 42, Section 4211
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An eligible veteran any part of whose active military, naval, or air service was during the Vietnam era.