ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADVET | Assistant Director for Veterans’ Employment and Training |
AJC | American Job Center |
ASVET | Assistant Secretary (of Labor) for Veterans’ Employment and Training |
BLS | Bureau of Labor Statistics |
BSR | Business Services Representative |
BST | Business Services Team |
CE | Customized Employment |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CM | Case Management |
CODL | Consolidated DVOP/LVER |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DOL | Department of Labor |
DOLEW | Department of Labor Employment Workshop |
DV | Disabled Veteran |
DVET | Director for Veterans’ Employment and Training |
DVOP | Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program |
EO | Employer Outreach |
ESGR | Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve |
EP | Employment Plan |
ETA | Employment and Training Administration |
FCJL | Federal Contractor Job Listing |
FUTA | Federal Unemployment Tax Act |
FFY | Federal Fiscal Year |
GAO | Government Accountability Office |
GBM | Grant Based Measures |
GGD | Guided Group Discovery |
GOR | Grants Officer Representative |
GOTR | Grant Officer’s Technical Representative |
HDM | Hiring decision-makers |
HVRP | Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program |
HWVHCWC | Homeless Women Veterans and Homeless Veterans with Children Reintegration Grant Program |
ICS | Individualized Career Services |
IVTP | Incarcerated Veterans’ Transition Program |
JIV | Justice-Involved Veteran |
JVA | Jobs for Veterans Act |
JVSG | Jobs for Veterans State Grants |
L&C | Licensure vs. Certification |
LMI | Labor Market Information |
LVER | Local Veterans’ Employment Representative |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
NASWA | National Association of State Workforce Agencies |
NAV | Native American Veteran |
NO | National Office |
OASAM | Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration & Management |
OASVET | Office of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans’ Employment and Training |
OFCCP | Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs |
OJT | On-the-Job Training |
OPM | Office of Personnel Management |
PHI | Protected Health Information |
PII | Personal Identifiable Information |
POC | Point of Contact |
POS | Priority of Service |
PTS | Post-Traumatic Stress |
RAVET | Regional Administrator for Veterans’ Employment and Training |
RIF | Reduction in Force |
RO | Regional Office |
RVEC | Regional Veterans’ Employment Coordinator |
SDP | Service Delivery Point |
SDV | Special Disabled Veteran |
SGA | Solicitation for Grant Applications |
SPOC | Single Point of Contact |
STAR | Situation, Task, Action, and Results |
SVC | State Veterans’ Coordinator |
SWA | State Workforce Agency |
TAG | Technical Assistance Guide |
TAP | Transition Assistance Program |
TEGL | Training and Employment Guidance Letter |
TEN | Training and Employment Notice |
TSM | Transitioning Service Member |
UCX | Unemployment Compensation for Ex-service Members |
UI | Unemployment Insurance |
USC | United States Code |
USERRA | Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Act |
VA | Veterans Affairs |
VARO | Veterans Administration Regional Office |
VAMC | Veterans Administration Medical Center |
VEOA | Veterans Employment Opportunity Act |
VETS | Veterans’ Employment and Training Service |
VOA | Volunteers of America |
VOW | Veterans Opportunity to Work Act |
VPA | Veterans Program Administrator |
VPL | Veterans’ Program Letters |
VPS | Veterans Program Specialist |
VR&E | Veteran Readiness and Employment |
VSO | Veteran Service Organization |
VSP | Veteran Service Provider |
WDB | Workforce Development Boards |
WIA | Workforce Investment Act |
WIOA | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act |
WIPA | Work Incentive Planning and Assistance |