Apprenticeships Can Serve as a Pathway to Employment Success

By Dan Griffiths For transitioning service members or veterans looking for a new career opportunity, apprenticeship is a unique and rewarding pathway to developing in-demand workplace and technical skills while earning a paycheck from day one on the job. On average, the starting salary for an apprentice after completion of an apprenticeship program is $72K. … Read more

Mental Health Awareness

By Greg Davis Many people battle mental health challenges on a daily basis, including many of our veterans, in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety, among other forms. Research suggests that up to 16% of U.S. service members deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan have post-traumatic stress disorder or depression.[1] However, veterans don’t have … Read more

Veteran Underemployment

By Dan Griffiths What is Veteran Underemployment and How Might We Address It? Nearly 1/3 of veteran job seekers are underemployed. There is a difference between being unemployed and underemployed. Unemployed means you don’t have a job, while underemployment means the job you have is insufficient. Underemployment is the condition in which people in a … Read more

NVTI Returning to In-Person Classes

By Greg Davis While no one knew it at the time, the National Veterans’ Training Institute (NVTI) held its last in-person class on Feb. 28, 2020. As COVID-19 rapidly spread across the country, businesses and offices shut down across the nation. This shutdown introduced a completely new way of working for everyone, including NVTI. Disabled … Read more

The 13 Folds of the American Flag

By Greg Davis On the Fourth of July, Americans wave the flag from their yards, parades and other celebrations across the country to honor our country and those who have served to defend our freedoms. They may not know that when a veteran is buried in one of the national cemeteries operated by the Department … Read more

Working Together to Assist Veterans Experiencing Homelessness

DOL-VETS Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP) and the VA’s Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Programs By Dan Griffiths For many veterans, stable housing is the key that unlocks health, happiness, and opportunity. Working together, the Department of Labor Veterans’ Employment and Training Service’s (DOL-VETS) Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP) and the Veterans Affairs’ (VA) … Read more

The Benefits of Hiring Veteran Employees

By Greg Davis In today’s economy, it’s important to secure top talent quickly by attracting and retaining the right people with the right skill set. Employers can effectively achieve this goal, saving time and money, by taking advantage of the wide pool of talent that veteran employees can offer. While there are many admirable qualities … Read more

Recent Federal Legislation Affecting Service Members and Veterans

By Dan Griffiths The Department of Labor Veterans’ Employment & Training Service (DOL VETS) program staff who serve veterans as Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) specialists, career coaches, and case managers can benefit from being aware of recent federal legislation passed under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22). Congress enacted … Read more

How to Hire Veterans

How to Hire Veterans Military service is a life-altering endeavor that influences all aspects of a person’s life after service—including employment. Transitioning from military to the civilian workforce can take many months, or even years. However, this transition from soldier to staff member can be made easier by employers.Veterans are often the most dedicated, team-focused, … Read more

Honoring the Employers who Hire our Nation’s Heroes

Honoring the Employers who Hire our Nation’s Heroes The HIRE Vets Medallion Program will soon accept applications for the HIRE Vets Medallion Award, the only federal-level veterans’ employment award that recognizes a company or organization’s commitment to veteran hiring, retention, and professional development. There are three company sizes for application: There are two medals companies … Read more