Identifying Employment Resources for Disabled Veterans

October is National Disability Employment Awareness (NDEAM) month. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced this year’s theme is “America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion.” This is an opportune time to raise awareness about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Disability Employment Policy … Read more

Veterans Employment Opportunities for Veterans in Sales, Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing

The demand for individuals in the sales, advertising, promotions, and marketing fields has surged as the country continues to gradually recover from the pandemic. Individuals who thrive in such positions possess the exceptional abilities to communicate effectively, perform as part of a team, solve problems creatively, and successfully manage stress. As it happens, many of … Read more

November: A Month of Generosity

Military Family Month Earlier this month Pentagon Press Secretary, John F. Kirby, said “Our nation’s servicemembers do not serve alone. Alongside them are the dedicated members of their families whose commitment and resolve absolutely strengthens our nation and our ability to defend this nation.” In recognition of the commitment and sacrifices military families make for … Read more

Delivering Personalized Career Assistance under the Employment Navigator and Partnership Pilot (ENPP) Program

Did you know that the U.S. Department of Labor, Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (DOL VETS) provides personalized career assistance that helps prepare transitioning service members and their spouses for career success? The Employment Navigator (EN) and Partnership Pilot (ENPP) provides one-on-one career support to transitioning service members and their spouses at select military installations worldwide. A “navigator” is … Read more

NVTI 35th Anniversary

DOL Trivia question: What year was the National Veterans’ Training Institute (NVTI) established? Hints: Top Gun was the highest-grossing film, We Are the World won four Grammy Awards, and the Chicago Bears won their sole Super Bowl. Answer: 1986 This month, NVTI celebrates 35 years of helping veterans find meaningful employment. As we reflect on how much the world has changed since 1986, let’s recognize how NVTI … Read more

Applying the New DOL Practitioners Guide to Supportive Services for the Benefit of Veterans

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently released a resource guide via Training and Employment Notice (TEN) 12-21 to workforce development practitioners who assist jobseekers in finding and applying for financial assistance and other supportive services. Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) and Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP) staff, along with their American Job Center (AJC) and … Read more

Federal Government  Strategies to Accelerate Ending Veteran Homelessness

The U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a fact sheet on Veterans Day that outlines the Biden-Harris administration’s strategies to end veteran homelessness. In April 2021, HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge and VA Secretary Denis McDonough, the respective chair and vice-chair of USICH, instructed their staff, in coordination with USICH, to develop a … Read more

How DVOP Specialists and LVERs Can Help with the American Labor Shortage

According to the Department of Labor, the number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits plummeted in November 2021 to the lowest level in more than half a century. Jobless claims dropped by 71,000 to 199,000, the lowest since mid-November 1969, marking one of the most worker-friendly climates in generations (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021). Along … Read more

NVTI Article Series: Strategies to Succeed in an Unprecedented Market

It’s a job seeker’s market right now–a trend that’s expected to last well into 2022. With hopeful employees in the driver’s seat, the dynamics of both job-hunting and new talent recruitment have changed. These trends impact Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) specialists in their preparing veterans to be job ready and subsequently placing them into … Read more

Business Service Delivery: Recovery Resources for Local Veterans’ Employment Representative (LVER) Staff

Now more than ever, Local Veterans’ Employment Representative (LVER) staff can provide critical support and outreach to businesses and employers across the country. In this article, we will briefly examine resources to help LVER staff, and other members of the American Job Center (AJC) team, deliver core business services, share additional information and assets to support employers, … Read more